Thorsten Ratzlaff, Florian Haubner
Climate Tech
Frankfurt School, Bayse, Julius-Maximilians-Universität – Nomura, Temasek, McKinsey, Gain.pro, Bitness, Audi, McKinsey Digital, Google Cloud
B2B online marketplace for high-quality carbon credits
Freeze Carbon provides sustainability teams of companies with a one-stop solution for their unavoidable CO2 emissions.
We screen CO2-projects for quality along a two-step quality assurance process. This includes interviews with the project developers and review of certification documents. The approval rate is currently at 16%.
Additionally, we do not add hundreds of projects and leave the sustainability leader overwhelmed but show a focused selection of projects which is still diverse (regions, project types) to build a de-risked portfolio.
The B2B procurement process is fully digitized and companies only need very few clicks to find, buy and track their carbon projects. A buyer can procure carbon credits from multiple suppliers in one go, without having to negotiate contracts bilaterally, saving resources and money on both sides.